Girl wearing sparkling dress, holding a champagne

Is Alcohol Ruining Your Friendships?

alcoholfree partygirl sober sobriety Jan 29, 2023

I used to think alcohol made me the life of the party—confident, funny, and free. I’d be so excited to see my friends and let loose, but things would quickly spiral out of control. The night would blur, and I’d get louder and more obnoxious, pushing boundaries without even realising it.

Before long, I’d be off picking up cocaine, spending money I couldn’t afford. By the time I got back, my friends were gone, and I’d be left with strangers in what was supposed to be my safe space. My home, my sanctuary, would turn into a chaotic mess of bottles, trash, and people I didn’t even know.

As the sun came up, I’d be filled with guilt and regret. I started questioning if this was really worth it. I thought I was the confident, fun person in the group, but I was just losing myself. If you’re wanting to cut to cut back on drinking and worried about how you are going to stay sober with friends, take a moment to reflect. Is alcohol truly adding to your life, or is it taking away from the moments that matter most?